1.The client is responsible for moving furniture etc from work areas, and covering down to their own satisfaction before commencement of works.
2.The client will do and furnish us with everything requisite to enable our programme of works to be completed in one operation and inside normal working hours. Facilities such as water, electricity, use of welfare facilities (i.e. Toilet) etc shall (where available on site) be provided to us at no charge.
3.We require sufficient vehicular parking while working on site.
4.A deposit may be payable prior to works commencing.
5.Accounts are payable not later than 7 days from the date of invoice. Interest may be charged to overdue accounts.
6.If Asbestos containing materials, protected species or other such unforeseen problems are discovered or disturbed works will cease and the client will be liable for the costs of extra costs.
7.Items of this quotation may be listed and priced separately but is to be regarded as a global quotation and as such we reserve the right to refuse any order for only part of the works.
8.We accept no responsibility for failure of branded materials listed in a specification or materials from nominated or named suppliers, goods supplied by the client or works carried out by nominated or named sub-contractors.
9.All materials remain our property until paid for in full, we may return to site to remove goods not paid for in full.
10.All salvaged and surplus materials are the property of this company.
11.Unless stated, this estimate does not include for making good after or clearing up after any other trades.
12.On contracts that in our opinion justify it, interim invoices, payable as set out above, will be sent during the progress of works for the value of materials on site and work completed at that time.
13.We will hold our prices for 30 days from the estimate date. Any contracts that commence after this period may be subject to price increases.
14.In placing an order you are agreeing to each and all of these terms.